Category: Gaming

  • New Addiction

    I’ve developed a new addiction, or perhaps merely a new obsession: Pokemon.  Specifically, Pokemon Pearl on Nintendo DS.  This is probably not news to the geeks out there, but it’s good! Mrs Froosh and the Kiddo have been playing the Diamond and Pearl versions for some time, but Mrs Froosh recently abandoned her Pearl copy…

  • Melbourne, get your game on!

    It’s Retrocon time! Retrocon is Melbourne’s newest games convention and it’s still smallish. This means two things: Retrocon needs you! If you’re new to gaming or interested in getting into gaming (of a Role Playing nature more than Roll Playing :wink:), then small is good. If you’re even slightly interested, I recommend you at least…

  • Exhausted … Still!

    Ok, so Conquest was on over the Easter weekend and it was fantastic as usual. Of course I’ve actually only been twice now… 😆 For me, it was four intense days of gaming and helping out and even two days later I’m feeling exhausted but happy about it. I may have a problem though: I’ve…

  • Easter! Means! Gaming!

    Well, it does if you live in Melbourne that is! 😀 That’s because it’s time for Conquest again. w00t! We haven’t signed up for the same “Get Wrecked” plan that we did last year with Andrew – but we’ll being helping out at the rego desk amid the rest of the con-fusion. 😉