Site Updates and administrivia

“That’s the second biggest one of those I’ve ever seen.”

I got a little bored of the default Kubrick theme from WordPress, and so went hunting a new favourite via the WordPress Theme Browser and settled on Russell Tanton’s “Yaaarr, tis me blog!”. It’s camp and piratey, and I like it! It probably wont last a long time, but enjoy it while it lasts… (Agregator-only readers will need to visit the site to see the theme in action)

Additionally, feeds are now being provided via the FeedBurner republishing and tracking service. After listening to Chris Pirillo interview Rick from FeedBurner, I was sold. And it really was that easy. The hardest part was inserting the 4 lines into my .htaccess file to redirect y’all to the FeedBurner feed seamlessly:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} FeedBurner
RewriteRule ^feed/?([_0-9a-z-]+)?/?$ /index.php?feed=$1 [QSA]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !FeedBurner
RewriteRule ^feed/?([_0-9a-z-]+)?/?$ [R,L]

Once I’ve looked at the stats for a bit, I’ll start showing them – yes, even if they’re pitifully low 😉