The wonders of search engines
Search engines do many wonderful thing for us every day, and we take so many of them for granted… Today, for example, the mighty Inktomi taught me the folly of not excluding /cgi-bin/ in my robots.txt and thus several erroneous karma and comment postings ensued. On a more positive note, I was indexed by Inktomi…
Recent toys
Mounting ISO images as CD-drives on Windows XP : Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel for Windows XP – It’s pretty basic, but seems to work well so far. The only problem I have encountered is that I can’t seem to share out the resulting CD drive. Burning CDs from Windows XP : ISORecorder or Windows 2003…
We had a ball!
No really, it was excellent. What was? The fund raising ball for Seb’s school of course. For me, this was a big deal as I’ve never really been to a formal function in my life. I spent my later high school years in a rural NSW town and the graduating “formal” was at the local…
Connex: Crap all over…
On 18-Apr-2004 Connex have been granted control of all trains and trams in Melbourne. Since then, almost every train and tram I have been on has been late, usually by more than 5 minutes, sometimes only 3.
Knoppix ROCKS…!!!
I’ve been reading about Knoppix for quite some time, and being a fan of GNU/Linux and specifically Debian, thought it has been terribly remiss of me to have not tried it before now. (FYI, Knoppix is built from Debian parts) And I have to say, it is absolutely the easiest and quickest way to have…
Mondo! (It’s an improvement on feeling sick with frustration…)
A long time friend of mine made a special call from Coffs to point my TV at Mondo Thingo … and it certainly brightened my day! 😀 On a different, but positive note, the car came back from the repairers today. History: Kim rear-ended someone on April 1st (not even slightly funny :|). They took…
School Parent’s Association Meeting
Kim and I have joined the parent’s association of Seb’s school as committee members. I don’t think either of us really have any understanding of what this will achieve or what we might be required to do, but we’re doing it anyway. I think both of us hope to have input into the operation of…
Site Design updated…
I wasn’t too keen on the default design of the blog, so a quick 5 minute search located this nifty template by linear Other than that, it’s been a perfectly snoozy, lazy Sunday … Seb’s has gone to his Nan’s and we had mashed spuds for lunch. Decadent and far to much carbs, but v.tasty!
Late Night, Phone Day
Between network issues with our primary WAN carrier, totally bizarre routing issues on our WAN, and setting up this blog I’ve spent the last 20 out of 24 hours in front of a PC. About the only good things are: 1. It’s not my fault 2. I’m working from home today (And spending all of…
Okidoki then, blog on!
I have a blog…! Ok, so it’s not much to start with and the site design is the default greymatter templates… …but it’s a start.